Lab4Labs: Calls’ for tenders lab for the Mandates

This page includes the Calls for tenders being issued by NGO Objective Sciences International.

It concerns Calls for tenders related to the mandates already given by the NGO to the member organizations of the NGO as well as the Calls for tenders for new mandates to the attention of the organizations who wish to become active member of this NGO on the occasion.

PNG The Calls for tenders are listed in the form of forum at the bottom of this page. The details of the implementation are described below.


Existing steps for the Calls for tenders :

  • Calls’ for tenders Opening Period
  • Introductory period for a period of 6 months (from the consent)
  • Final signature at the end of the introductory period
  • Check the description of the Call for tenders for its briefly summarized and more complete calendar

In the context of an already existing mandate for a member organization of the NGO, the Call for tenders is the subject of a new mandate action.
In the context of a new mandate that will be given to an organization that will become a member of the NGO, it is the mandate contract, which is the subject of the listed steps.


In order to answer one of the Calls for tenders, please read the entire Call’s for tenders conversation threading, as well as the content of links that are given in the description. It leads to the co-construction of the project specification.

Other must-read article: Contract a Mandate with the NGO (english)

PNG If you are a Sciences Educator in a Local Group of the NGO, and you have noticed a project put out to tender that you would like to implement, you do not have to become a Program Manager. In fact, you can run this project in the course of a mandate already given to a Program Manager. In this case, you can get closer to him, to integrate your project within his mandate.

 Description of the NGO

The NGO Objective Sciences International offers young and adult people the access to scientific education activities through the practice. Their contents allow the society to contribute concretely to the advancement of solutions for the Sustainable Development. This learning by doing a real Project is called Participatory Research.
The Project pedagogy is an educational model used by the NGO to create products such as: Discovery Classes, Solidarity-based vacations, Science Camps, Scientific expeditions, Linguistic and Scientific journalism Stays, Excellence Stays or Sports & Sciences Stays.
Other types of activities can complement these regular products of the NGO (such us boarding school, colloquiums, technical training for professionals, edition...).
All these activities occur in the field of all forms of science and technology, acting on behalf of the ecology and humans.
The activities are financed either by the participants or the funding is acquired externally.

 Scope of Application

NGOs Missions concept by Zones, Mandates Scope of Application.

The NGO divides its global mission into smaller areas while each one of them is assigned to one of its active member organizations. It is the Mandates Scope of Application. Each zone is defined by the conjunction of the following criteria:

  • Linguistic criteria: Anglophone, Hispanophone, Arabophone…
  • Geographical criteria: state, continent, particular contour (continent division).
  • Age group criteria: children, youth, teens, adults, seniors etc...
  • Public criteria related to an action or a particular approach: Clubs, associations, schools, circles, groups, society, union, collectivity, communities, corporation, friendship etc...
  • Thematic criteria: Astronomy, Archaeology, Architecture, Water ...
  • Problem/solution criteria: famine, health, energy, housing conditions…
    Each mandatary is responsible for a particular area (e.g. Astronomy for all publics in all languages or Astronomy in French for adults). All assigned zones constitute the mission being implemented by the NGO, on a particular date.

 Concept of Mandate

The Mandate in the NGO world is what the franchise is in the business world.
A mandate within the OSI network is a trust relationship contractualised between the NGO and a local partner both competent and relevant. The NGO OSI consists of the network made by all of these partners. The Resource Centre, which includes the NGO headquarters employees, provides to the mandataries the exchange platform allowing them to work together. Each agent provides a necessary component to the final productions of the NGO (logistic and educational or scientific content, or communications diffusion etc). This trust relationship is a synergy and a mean to achieve the objectives of the NGO; this is a delegation of contractualised action.

Description of the relationship system between mandataries and NGO

The relationship between the mandataries and the NGO evolves and progresses thanks to the partnership.
From the mutual understanding of intentions to the construction of the project, the time and training exchange allow the mandataries to focus precisely on the Leeds and to anticipate the necessary means. The autonomy within the framework of achievements and consultation and the co-conception for innovations and creations enable the development of projects, mandataries, and the NGO.
Once the contract is signed, after an initial observation period preceding the contract signing, comes an initial training period. This initial training is based on learning by doing, built around a first project. Once a full cycle of the training is completed, the mandatary becomes more and more independent and he undertakes the continuing training parallel to his activities, which are normal and known for him. The mandataries benefit of services provided by the Resource Centre Departments and the support of a pilot (OSI Representatives’ Pilot, Program Managers Pilot and Centres Managers Pilot).

Other must-read article: Contract a Mandate with the NGO (english)

 Qualification requirements

  • Terms and conditions:
    • The mandate will be signed by an organization (legal entity): this organization can exist beforehand or be created for the occasion of the mandate.
      • In the case of the ad hoc creation, the organization should already exist at the time of the mandate signature, at the end of the observation period.
      • In the case of an existing organization, it should have created, within its team, a “Department” which will be able to operate in the OSI working environment, all of this in order to enable it to continue conducting other activities “in its own way.”
    • The manager of the mandate within the signatory organization must be of legal age of majority in his home country, his country of residence, and in the headquarters country of the organization which he will enter the mandate in.
    • Attendance at the stages of the observation period and initial training
  • Particular conditions of each mandate:
    • In the context of each conversation threading of this Lab4Labs page, particular conditions may appear
    • IMPORTANT: Prior to the conditions listed above, it is necessary to have understood all the explanations provided here Contract a Mandate with the NGO (english).

 Calls’ for tenders calendar

Description of the partnership launching process

Examples of dates:

  1. Annual diffusion
  2. Selection and study of the projects based on the Draft made by the project holder (January/August)
  3. Sector creation based on the de Preliminary Outline (October/February)
  4. Corpus creation in the form of the Final Design (White Paper/Business Plan/ Quality plan) (April/December)
  5. Preparing to write down the contractual in parallel with the validation of Final Draft (May/January)
  6. Certified validation of the projects in the NGOs Executive Committee (included in the plan of the day at least 1 month in advance in order to study the file)

Stages of the interests emission:

  1. Calls’ for tenders diffusion
  2. Emission of the declaration of interests by the person interested in entering the mandate = answer to the Call for tenders (Providing the elements necessary to enable the eligibility evaluation of the partnership launching process - see list in the section below)
  3. Declaration of mutual intentions (what the NGO wants, what the potential mandatary wants)
  4. Launching and conducting the pre-observation period (including the detailed co-definition of the sector followed by annual meetings of the NGO, implementation of the training process (Stepstones), offer development placed alongside the annual creations and achievements of other mandataries (Comparative development), business plan drafting and other cooperations)
  5. Contract rereading
  6. Mandate signing and launching
  7. Preparation of the first operation in the context of the initial training
  8. Realization of a complete cycle
  9. After the completion of one complete cycle - the end of contract trial period and the beginning of the autonomic activity with a posterior control in the framework of the continuous training.

For the dates of each period and the details constituting each of them, we encourage you to read the document carefully Contract a Mandate with the NGO (english).

Description of the necessary administrative documents

  • Organization and its members presentation (CV)
  • Cover letter
  • If the organization already exists - legal documents in force in the relevant country (registrar, publication in the Official Journal, statuts...)
  • Certification of financial reserves’ sum and their availability
  • Members’ diplomas (scans)

 Calls for tenders

Description of the missions/specific projects that we put in the calls for tenders:


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